Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

Liposuction for the Abdomen

Oct 31, 2018 @ 12:12 PM — by Dr. William Cohen
Tagged with: Liposuction

In the field of plastic surgery, liposuction is one of the most common body contouring procedures. This treatment eliminates stubborn areas of fat for smoother, more attractive contours.

Among both men and women, the abdomen is the most common area to be treated with liposuction. Here, our team at The Skin Center in Orange County, CA discusses liposuction for the abdomen and explains what patients can expect during and after the procedure.

How Is Abdominal Liposuction Performed?

At our practice, Dr. William Cohen uses only the safest surgical procedures. That is why he performs tumescent liposuction instead of traditional liposuction.

During this procedure, he administers a combination of lidocaine and epinephrine. This anesthetic solution numbs the tissues and causes targeted areas of fat to plump up for easier removal.

Once the solution has been administered, Dr. Cohen makes tiny incisions around the treatment area. Next, a slender tube called a cannula is inserted through the incisions.

This device is moved back and forth to help break up fat cells, which are then suctioned away by a special surgical vacuum. Once the targeted area has been sculpted, Dr. Cohen closes the incisions with sutures.

Exploring Candidacy: Factors to Consider

As with all body contouring procedures, abdominal liposuction is intended for patients who are close to their goal weight. Liposuction helps shape and contour the body; it is not meant for weight loss.

There are other factors to consider as well. Some of these include:

Personalized Treatment for Optimal Results

Dr. Cohen takes time to understand the unique concerns of each patient and designs a personalized treatment plan to meet those needs. Liposuction is an art form; when performed properly, it can effectively sculpt the body for dramatic, beautiful results.

Contact The Skin Center Today

Have you tried to reduce stubborn abdominal fat through diet and exercise? If so, liposuction could be a viable treatment option for you. To explore your candidacy and treatment options, schedule an appointment with Dr. Cohen. Call our office at (714) 628-1313 or contact us online anytime.