Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

Pre-op Facelift Instructions: Why They Are Important

Jul 28, 2015 @ 09:20 AM — by Dr. William Cohen
Tagged with: Facelift Facial Plastic Surgery

Patients can place their trust in Dr. William Cohen because of his commitment to patient education and satisfaction. It's what's made him one of the leading cosmetic plastic surgeons in Orange County.

Facelift is one of the most popular and effective anti-aging and wrinkle reduction surgeries. While properly executing the procedure is crucial for great results, so are the pre-operative instructions that patients are given. Let's go over some of the basics right now.

Do Not Use Tobacco Products

Tobacco products are bad for your health in general, that's a given, but they are also really bad if you've undergoing surgery. Tobacco products make infections more likely and can lead to slower healing times as well. Since healing begins before the surgery, be sure to avoid the use of tobacco products for at least two to three weeks before surgery, and continue to avoid use of tobacco products until your surgeon advises otherwise.

Avoid the Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages

Like tobacco products, alcoholic beverages can have a negative impact on the healing process. Rather than risk infection and slower healing, be sure to avoid alcoholic beverages as well.

Fill Prescriptions Ahead of Time

Part of the pre-op process is ensure that patients can focus on healing as opposed to being distracted by other things going on. That's why it's important to fill your prescriptions ahead of time. By doing this, you will have one less thing worry about as you return to heal.

Run Errands in the Days Before Facelift

Related to the above recovery tip, be sure to run errands and clean up around your home in the week leading into your surgery. Have clean clothes ready for you as you heal, as well as clean linens. Buy groceries and stock up on any personal items that you may need for the next two weeks as you recover. You'd be surprise how peace of mind can improve the patient experience after surgery.

Arrange for Transportation on the Day of Your Facelift

After a facelift, you will not be in any condition to operate a vehicle safely. Because of this, it's important that you have a loved one who is able to drive you to and from the practice. This will ensure your safety on the day of surgery.

Arrange for a Loved One to Be with You as You Heal

In the first days of healing, it's important to have someone around for emotional support and to help around the home. This loved one will also be able to address questions to the practice if any pressing concerns arise in those first few days of recovery.

What to Do the Night Before Facelift

The night before your facelift, be sure to get ample rest and to double check that everything you need is in place. You may be asked to fast or consider some restrictions on your diet if your surgery is early the next morning.

What to Do the Morning of Your Surgery

On the morning your surgery, be sure to shower thoroughly and to wash your face carefully. Do not wear any makeup, lotions, creams, perfumes, or colognes. You should also leave all jewelry at home and come to the practice in comfortable, loose-fitting clothes.

Schedule a Consultation for Facial Plastic Surgery

For more information about facelift and how it can help you fight signs of aging and remove wrinkles, it's important that you contact our facial plastic surgery and skin care rejuvenation center today. Dr. William Cohen and his entire team will help tailor a great treatment for you and your unique aesthetic goals.