Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

Are You a Good Candidate for a Neck Lift?

Apr 9, 2014 @ 10:38 AM — by Dr. William Cohen
Tagged with: Neck Lift Plastic Surgery

Loose skin and excess fatty tissue are some of the most common physical signs of growing older. Although they can affect virtually any part of the body, these changes are especially visible when they occur around the face and neck. Among the many cosmetic procedures offered at our Orange County office, a neck lift is an effective way to reduce signs of aging under the chin, either alone or when combined with similar treatment options. 

Before undergoing any cosmetic procedure, however, patients should meet with an experienced plastic surgeon to determine their candidacy. By evaluating your health, physical needs, and goals for treatment, your doctor can recommend the safest and most appropriate option. Peruse the following guidelines for neck lift candidacy to gain a cursory understanding of the procedure before coming in for your initial consultation.  

Treatment Goals for Neck Lift Surgery

As with facelifts and body lifts, a neck lift aims to remove excess tissue from an area while creating tighter and smoother contours of the skin. Patients who undergo neck lift surgery are generally looking to correct a neck that seems too full or saggy. In some cases, deposits of fat cause a neck to appear overly thick and undefined, with the possible presence of a “double chin.” In other cases, the neck simply appears old due to loose and drooping skin. While the specific problems may vary, a neck lift can create an enhanced image of beauty and youth, complementing the rest of one’s features.

Candidates for a Neck Lift

The best candidates for a neck lift are those whose cosmetic concerns are limited to the neck. Patients may also wish to correct problems around the lower-face and jawline, in which case a facelift may be recommended as well. Typically, patients who exhibit the problems classically associated with a neck lift are around the age of 50 or older. Regardless, younger patients can still benefit from surgery, and may in fact achieve even better results due to remaining skin elasticity.

Just like any plastic surgery treatment, a neck lift requires patients to be in good overall health. Before deciding on a neck lift, discuss your medical history with a knowledgeable and experienced plastic surgeon, who will be able to accurately relay your ability to safely undergo surgery.

Finally, good candidates should have appropriate expectations for treatment. Although a neck lift can reduce the apparent effects of aging, it cannot prevent further changes indefinitely. Speak with your doctor about your specific cosmetic goals, and what you should be able to reasonably expect from surgery. 

Negative Factors for Candidacy

Some risk factors may increase the chances of developing complications during or after surgery. Namely, any systemic diseases such as heart disease, liver disease, and uncontrolled diabetes may limit one’s candidacy for treatment. Conditions that limit the body’s immune system or ability to heal may also be risk factors. Similarly, smokers will be asked to temporarily abstain from tobacco use for this reason.  

Patients should also consider their projected lifestyle habits after the procedure. If a significant amount of weight is gained or lost, it can negatively affect the long-term results of a neck lift. Therefore, be sure to achieve your desired weight prior to plastic surgery.

Meet with Dr. Cohen


to get started on your new, enhanced look.   

Your candidacy for treatment can be definitively determined through an initial, in-depth consultation with Dr. Cohen. If you are deemed a good candidate for surgery, you will learn what to expect from the procedure. Otherwise, alternative cosmetic procedures can be recommended for your needs. Schedule your appointment to get started on your new, enhanced look.