Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

Recovery Tips for Facelift Surgery

Aug 22, 2013 @ 11:48 PM — by Dr. William Cohen
Tagged with: Facelift Facial Plastic Surgery

There are plenty of things that you can do to look your very best and your youngest. Obviously you need to eat right, stay hydrated, and protect your skin from the dangerous effects of the sun. Yet while this is a great idea for lasting vibrancy, doing all this is still not a guarantee that you'll fend off all wrinkles. The sure way to reduce wrinkles and get the best anti-aging results is plastic surgery. When it comes to the appearance of the face, one of the best options out there is the facelift.

About Facelift Surgery

A facelift is a facial rejuvenation surgery that helps tighten skin and reduce wrinkles around the middle portion of the face. This is achieved through carefully made incisions located behind the ears and along the hairline. Through these incisions, excess tissue is removed, the remaining skin is tightened, and overall appearance enhanced.

Follow Your Instructions for Post-Operative Care to the Letter

It's important that patients who undergo any sort of surgical treatment follow their surgeon's instructions for post-operative care to the letter. By doing this, they can ensure the best possible healing results. This means fast healing and recovery that is free from complications. Some basic recovery tips have been included below. More will be provided during the consultation process.

Rest is of the Utmost Importance for Wellness

Your facial plastic surgeon will advise you to get a lot of rest in the first days following surgery. That means sleeping and resting with your head elevated and staying hydrated the entire time. Don't do anything that could strain or exhaust you. Wellness starts with being well-rested.

Activities to Avoid

After a facelift, you'll want to avoid the following until your surgeon tells you otherwise:

Follow-up Visits

After undergoing any sort of facial cosmetic surgery treatment, patients will be asked to return to the practice for follow-up visits. This allows your surgeon to monitor your progress while healing and to ensure that you are doing your very best.

What to Expect in the Weeks and Months After Surgery

By following these instructions for recovery, patients will notice that any surgical swelling and bruising will fade relatively quickly. Most normal activities can be resumed after a few weeks, and patients should be back to speed at that point. Surgical scarring will become less visible as the months go by.

Be In Touch to Get the Assistance You Need

If a patient has a pressing concern at any time during the recovery process, he or she should contact the practice as soon as they are able. By doing this, the concern can be addressed in a timely manner.

Learn More About Facial Plastic Surgery

For more information about facelift as well as your many other options for effective wrinkle reduction and rejuvenation, be sure to contact our Orange and Placentia facial plastic surgery centers today. The entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve the best results in overall appearance that allow you to meet your aesthetic goals.