Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

Open vs. Closed Rhinoplasty: Which Option Is Right for Me?

Jan 29, 2020 @ 12:42 PM — by Dr. William Cohen
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty

At Dr. William C. Cohen’s practice serving patients in Orange, CA, Placentia, CA, and surrounding areas, we believe that patient education and involvement are important. One topic that will be discussed at your cosmetic consultation is the differences between open vs. closed rhinoplasty. Both rhinoplasty techniques reshape, reduce, or augment a patient’s nose in order to deliver facial harmony and boost self-confidence.

Each surgical approach has its own advantages. Whichever choice you make, Dr. Cohen will take a holistic approach to your treatment to ensure that your results look balanced and beautiful.

Open Rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty is commonly referred to as external rhinoplasty. To gain access to the underlying bone, cartilage, and tissue of the nose, Dr. Cohen will make an incision on the soft tissue that separates the nostrils. This area is called the columella. This technique allows for easy access to the underlying structures of the nose.

Once inside, Dr. Cohen will move, reduce, or augment areas of the nose to achieve greater symmetry or other cosmetic goals. Open rhinoplasty is an ideal option for patients who have a crooked nose or a protruding nasal tip. There will be a visible scar associated with this procedure, but Dr. Cohen will take steps to ensure that the scar is minimally visible. Any scaring will naturally fade with time.

Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty (endonasal rhinoplasty) is performed without making visible incisions. The procedure is performed through the openings in the right and left nostrils. This surgical approach is considered less invasive and leaves no visible scars. Patients can enjoy many of the same benefits of open rhinoplasty while enjoying a shorter recovery time.

Which Option Is Right for Me?

Both treatment options offer benefits and potential drawbacks. For many patients, closed rhinoplasty offers the possibility of a shorter surgery time and less time under general anesthesia. The procedure is less invasive and leaves no visible scar. Since no external incisions are made, there is no disruption of the circulation of the skin. Many patients who undergo closed rhinoplasty experience a shorter recovery time compared to open rhinoplasty.

The main benefit of open rhinoplasty is that it allows Dr. Cohen greater visibility and access to the structures of your nose. Depending on your cosmetic goals, this could lead to better aesthetic results. If your personal goals require significant alterations to your nose, including grafting, open rhinoplasty may be the better option.

Patients who desire a shorter recovery time and require minor alterations to the nasal bridge and not the tip should ask about the benefits of closed rhinoplasty. Your thoughts and personal goals are an important factor when Dr. Cohen plans your customized cosmetic treatment.

Schedule Your Rhinoplasty Consultation Today

Both open and closed rhinoplasty allow Dr. Cohen to reshape, reduce, or augment your nose so you can enjoy a more attractive-looking nose and boosted self-confidence. Dr. Cohen is an expert in the art of facial rejuvenation. He will take the time to explain the pros and cons of both surgical techniques. To schedule your rhinoplasty consultation, please contact our office online or call (714) 628-1313.