Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

Neck Lift Incisions and Scars

Feb 27, 2019 @ 10:55 AM — by Dr. William Cohen
Tagged with: Neck Lift Facial Plastic Surgery

Looking young, refreshed, and vibrant doesn’t always mean reducing lines and wrinkles around the eyes or the forehead. Sometimes it means targeting the lower portion of the face. A neck lift surgery can eliminate sagging skin along the jawline and neckline, leaving you looking years younger. Orange County, CA facial plastic surgeon Dr. William C. Cohen has helped numerous patients with neck lift surgery.

A number of patients ask if scarring after a neck lift is extensive. The team at Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery would like to cover the nature of the procedure and then discuss the potential for post-surgical scarring.

How a Neck Lift Works

During a neck lift, small incisions are made through the lower portions of the face. Through these incisions, a surgeon is able to adjust the underlying structures of the jawline and neckline, improve the underlying muscle structure, and tighten the remaining skin of the lower face. The result is a much younger neckline and overall facial appearance.

Where Are Incisions for Neck Lift Located?

During a neck lift, incisions are typically located behind each ear, with an additional incision sometimes made under the patient’s chin. For some patients, just the ear incisions will suffice. It really depends on the nature and extent of the surgery that is being performed.

Will the Scars Be Visible?

In the early days of recovery, scarring after a neck lift will be noticeable, though they can be easily hidden. It’s important that you give yourself adequate time to heal during the first two weeks after surgery. This helps ensure that incision sites are given adequate time to close and heal so that they will not be as visible going forward.

Since the incisions are made behind the ears and under the chin, people will generally not be able to see the surgical scars unless they know where to look. Over time, the neck lift scars will fade, making them even more difficult to notice.

Additional Planning for People with Scarring Issues

Some patients may have a tendency to scar worse than others. A history of upraised scars after surgical procedures will need to be taken into account during the consultation process. If a surgeon knows that a patient is prone to scarring, the surgery can be adjusted to further minimize the potential of ugly scar tissue forming.

How Long Does It Take for Scars to Fade?

After about two weeks, the neck lift scars will have faded enough that you should be able to return to your job. Over the course of several weeks, the scars will fade even more. By the six month mark, scarring should be much paler; a year after surgery, the fading will continue.

Healing and scarring is an ongoing process. Generally speaking, though, visible scarring is quite limited in a neck lift surgery since incision placement is so deft.

How to Ensure Limited Scarring After Surgery

The best way to ensure that your scars face as quickly as possible and do not become visible is to dedicate time to rest after your surgery. Make the most of your recovery time, and be sure to follow all post-op instructions to the letter.

It’s also important that you avoid prolonged sun exposure. The effects of the sun on the skin can be damaging, particularly when it comes to scar tissue. Wear a scarf or a hat to cover up, and always use sunblock when you head outdoors.

Learn More About Facial Plastic Surgery

For more information about neck lift surgery and how it can address your needs, be sure to contact an experienced facial plastic surgeon. The team at Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery is here to help. You can reach our Placentia office at (714) 628-1318 and our Orange office at (714) 602-1735.