Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

Laser Treatments for Wrinkles: Are They Effective?

Nov 29, 2015 @ 11:30 AM — by Dr. William Cohen
Tagged with: Laser Skin Resurfacing Anti Aging Wrinkle Reduction

When patients meet with Dr. William Cohen, they know that they are in good hands. He's a leading facial plastic surgeon and skin care specialist who has helped countless patients in Orange County look their very best.

Laser skin treatment for wrinkles and lines has grown in popularity over the years. Let's look at some of the basics when it comes to laser skin care procedures.

More Patients Are Considering Non-surgical Wrinkle Reduction

While facial plastic surgery has proven quite effective for many types of facial wrinkles and issues with sagging or drooping skin, more and more patients are considering non-surgical anti-aging options. Thanks to non-surgical treatments, patients can achieve excellent cosmetic results.

Injectable treatments are quite popular, but many people have also benefited from laser skin care treatments as well. Laser skin resurfacing remains one of the most popular options for wrinkles reduction and anti-aging that does not involve any kind of surgery.

What Is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing refers to the use of safe surgical lasers to improve the overall appearance of the face. During laser skin resurfacing, concentrated beams of light are focused onto the skin, peel away layers of dead skin and revealing healthier, vibrant skin beneath. In essence, a laser skin resurfacing treatment works in a similar manner as a chemical peel or a microdermabrasion treatment.

Laser skin resurfacing is an ideal option for minor lines and wrinkles as well as issues with splotches, poor pigmentation, acne scars, and issues with skin texture.

Types of Laser Skin Resurfacing

There are two kinds of lasers commonly used for these advanced laser resurfacing procedures: the CO2 laser and the erbium laser.

CO2 lasers use light pulses or continuous light beams in order to peel away lasers of skin. It's ideal for treating wrinkles, enlarged pores or oil glands, acne scars, and even warts.

Erbium lasers can address moderate lines and wrinkles, and it's often used to treat the face, neck, hands, and chest. Many patients experience fewer side effects when they undergo an erbium laser peel.

Advantages of Laser Skin Resurfacing

One of the key advantages of laser skin resurfacing is that there is no post-surgical scarring involved. Patients will not have to worry about incisions being visible or extended healing times. For deeper laser peels, there may be some time off of work, but it's not as pronounced, thankfully, and far less invasive. The results are comparable to facial plastic surgery in many ways, and the cost of these laser treatments is lower.

What to Expect During Laser Skin Resurfacing

A laser skin resurfacing treatment can take up to two hours to perform depending on the nature of work to be done. Laser skin resurfacing is typically an outpatient procedure.

Local anesthetic is used to prevent major discomfort, though patient may notice some mild sensations of pinching as the treatment occurs. For major skin resurfacing procedures, a patient may require general anesthetic.

What to Expect After Laser Skin Resurfacing

Treatment areas will be bandaged to ensure proper healing and to prevent infection. Patients will place medicated ointment on the treated area for several days to ensure optimal results. By the end of the first week after the procedure, a patient's skin will peel. Patients will be asked to keep their skin moisturized, to stay well-hydrated, and to avoid direct sun exposure until healing is completed.

Contact Our Practice for Advanced Skin Care Treatments

If you would like more information about your many options for non-surgical aesthetic enhancement, be sure to contact our cosmetic skin care and facial plastic surgery center today. Dr. William Cohen looks forward to your visit and helping you look your very best.