Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

Liposuction for the Face

May 28, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Dr. William Cohen
Tagged with: Liposuction Plastic Surgery

One of the greatest benefits of tumescent liposuction is that it can be used to address virtually any part of the body where stubborn deposits of fat have accumulated and remained resistant to diet and exercise. While many people immediately associate liposuction with body contouring, it is equally effective in the removal of unwanted fat from the face and the neck. At THE SKIN CENTERx, Dr. William C. Cohen combines the finely honed precision of an experienced plastic surgeon with the refined aesthetic sensibilities of an artist to create smooth, graceful contours when performing liposuction for the face at his Orange County facilities. Patients emerge from their procedures looking refreshed and rejuvenated, their natural beauty intensified for the entire world to see.

Are you a suitable candidate for liposuction for the face? We invite you to find out by scheduling your confidential, one-on-one consultation with Dr. Cohen at his state-of-the-art plastic surgery center today.

Which areas of the face can be treated with liposuction?

Tumescent liposuction is potential ideal for removing isolated deposits of fat from the lower face, particularly the:

It is particularly effective in treating the chin region, where fat can readily accumulate and detract from a patient’s overall appearance. Liposuction of the chin can help patients to:

Neck and jaw liposuction are also extremely effective in rejuvenating patients’ lower faces, helping patients to:

Liposuction of the cheeks can help patients eliminate buccal fat, or the fat that accumulates in the lower cheeks. Many adults are self-conscious of their chubby cheeks, feeling as though they make them appear juvenile or less sophisticated than they aspire to be. Liposuction of the cheeks can help to bring the cheeks into improved balance with the rest of the features of the face through the strategic removal of this buccal fat through minimal incisions made in the lower cheeks and careful recontouring of the remaining fat.

Are you a good candidate for liposuction of the face?

You are probably a good candidate for liposuction of the face if you:

Learn More about Liposuction for the Face

To learn more about liposuction for the face, please contact THE SKIN CENTERx today.