Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

The Side Effects of Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)

Apr 28, 2015 @ 09:31 AM — by Dr. William Cohen
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty Facial Plastic Surgery

Dr. William Cohen has helped patients throughout Orange County achieve their aesthetic goals, whether those involve anti-aging or body sculpting to rejuvenate the figure. Sometimes a relatively subtle procedure can work wonders. Such is the case with rhinoplasty (nose job), which can enhance the overall symmetry of a person's face.

We'd like to consider some of the common side effects that patients experience after they have undergone rhinoplasty. This will provide you with realistic expectations about the healing process an what is involved.

Soreness and Discomfort Around the Nose

After rhinoplasty, a certain amount of soreness and discomfort around the nose is not uncommon. This can be alleviated by resting and by taking pain medications as recommended/prescribed by your surgeon. When resting, it's important that you lay with your back propped up by a few pillows. You should not lay flat on your back or on your side.

Bruising of the Nose and Eye Area

The adjustments made to the cartilage and other structures of the nose will typically result in bruising of your nose as well as the eye area. This should clear up after a few days, though it may seem alarming early on. Rest and remaining well-hydrated is important.

Swelling of the Face

General swelling of the face following any kind of surgical procedure is quite common, and rhinoplasty patients will notice this in the early days of recovery. Just like the bruising, swelling should diminish significantly after a couple days, though some minor swelling may persist for a few weeks.

Tenderness and Sensitivity of the Nose

Your nose will be quite tender and sensitive in the early days of recovery. In fact, your nose will be so delicate that just wearing glasses can cause problems to the end results of a procedure. This tenderness and sensitivity will last for some time, and patients are advised to avoid rubbing or touching their nose, especially in the first week or so of recovery.

Obstructions and Stuffy Noses

A patient's nose may feel stuffy or backed up after a rhinoplasty has been performed. This is a normal sensation after surgery. However, you shouldn't blow your nose since it can do harm to you as you heal. Your surgeon will provide with information on how to remove any stuffiness or obstructions in your nose without doing damage.

Activities to Avoid After Rhinoplasty

As you recover from surgery, be sure to avoid the following activities until your surgeon advises you otherwise:

Attend All Followup Visits with Your Cosmetic Surgeon

Followup visits with you cosmetic surgeon will ensure that you are healing properly and that any concerns you may have are addressed as soon as possible. Be sure to attend all followup visits in the days and weeks after your rhinoplasty so that you can get the guidance you need to heal properly.

Learn More About Facial Plastic Surgery

To learn more about rhinoplasty and your many other options for advanced cosmetic surgery and dermatology, it's important that you contact our facial rejuvenation and skin care center today. Our entire team will work closely with you to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment to leave you looking and feeling your very best.