Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

Frown Lines: The Causes and Treatments

Sep 29, 2014 @ 09:00 AM — by Dr. William Cohen
Tagged with: Botox Brow Lift

Nothing makes a person frown quite like looking in the mirror and seeing frown lines. These lines, clinically known as glabella lines, appear between the eyebrows when a person frowns. Unfortunately, as time passes, these lines become embedded in the skin, essentially turning into permanent fixtures of the face. Fortunately, plastic surgery offers a potentially ideal solution to frown lines in the form of advanced brow lift surgery.

At THE SKIN CENTERx in Orange County, frown lines treatments include endoscopic brow lift surgery and non-surgical, injectable treatments such as BOTOX® Cosmetic. You don’t have to live with those annoying signs of aging that make you look older and angrier than you actually are. Under the guidance of Dr. William Cohen, our experienced, highly trained skin care experts can help you look and feel your absolute best.

Why do frown lines form?

Despite their name, frown lines do not form simply because a person frowns or worries too often, although stress certainly can contribute to the formation of frown lines and other facial wrinkles. In most cases, frown lines form due to a variety of factors, which can include:

Whatever the cause of frown lines, the effects are aesthetically displeasing. No skin cream or lotion can rejuvenate skin affected by deep frown lines. Only medical treatment provides an effective solution to this age-old cosmetic problem.

Brow Lift Surgery

Endoscopic brow lift surgery provides an excellent long-term, minimally invasive solution to frown lines, as well as forehead wrinkles and deeper furrows. Dr. Cohen is the master of the discreet, subtle incision, so his patients emerge from brow lift surgery looking rejuvenated and refreshed while displaying no obvious signs of having undergone plastic surgery.

Brow lift surgery is performed through incisions made in the upper brow, behind the hairline. Through these incisions, Dr. Cohen removes excess fat and other tissues while tightening the underlying musculature to ensure that wrinkles are addressed at the deepest plane possible. The skin is then pulled taut, with any excess skin carefully removed. After the treatment area has healed, patients will notice a dramatic reduction in frown lines and wrinkling in the upper third of the face. If desired, brow lift surgery can be combined with other plastic surgery procedures, such as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), for more comprehensive results.

BOTOX® Cosmetic: A Non-surgical Alternative

For patients with less severe frown lines, BOTOX® Cosmetic may produce equally excellent results without the need for more invasive surgery. BOTOX® injections temporarily prevent the muscles responsible for frown lines from contracting. As these muscles relax, frown lines diminish for up to six months, at which point treatment can be repeated if desired. BOTOX® Cosmetic is a safe, highly effective treatment that targets only those tissues that cause wrinkling while leaving other tissues unscathed.

Learn More about Frown Lines Causes and Treatments

To learn more about frown lines causes and treatments, please contact our plastic surgery practice today.