Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

Options to Consider for Tattoo Removal

Dec 14, 2013 @ 08:51 AM — by Dr. William Cohen
Tagged with: Laser Tattoo Removal

There are many different treatment options to consider if you would like to look your very best. Some of the these treatments address contours and curves while others are designed to be reconstructive or restorative in nature. Each plastic surgery treatment is customized to the needs of each patient.

Right now, we'd like to consider the various options that are available for tattoo removal. Many people come to us wondering how this can be done, and we want to cover the basics.

Reasons for Wanting a Tattoo Removed

Getting a tattoo is a personal decision, and so is getting a tattoo removed. Given this basic premise, our team doesn't pry too far with regard to justifications for getting a tattoo removed.

That said, the most common reason for wanting to remove a tattoo is a certain sense of regret over the tattoo itself. Again, whatever the reason may be for the tattoo and whatever the tattoo may be, we'd like to help with its removal in whatever manner we can.

Do tattoo removal creams work?

You may have seen a number of ads for tattoo removal creams, and by and large they do not work or have only limited ability to remove a tattoo. The most common effects of these creams is lightening the tattoo rather than removing it entirely, and even these results are often mixed at best.

Laser Tattoo Removal

The best option for modern tattoo removal is a special laser skin treatment. These laser tattoo removal procedures use intense, concentrated light energy to target the ink within the skin and break the ink down into small particles. These fragments of ink are small enough to be flushed out by your own system.

It should be noted that patients will require multiple treatments in order to have the tattoo removed and that certain ink pigments are more difficult to remove than others. The number of laser therapy sessions will be determined by the size of the tattoo and the color of ink(s) involved.

Tattoo Alteration Options

If a tattoo will not be effectively removed through laser therapy or the patient cannot afford the laser treatment, another option to consider rather than tattoo removal is tattoo alteration. This will involve a tattoo artist changing the existing design into something else.

Obviously the tattoo itself will determine what change can be done, and the results will be entirely dependent on the tattoo artist. While the design will not be removed, it can potentially be turned into a design that a person does not regret.

Why Dermabrason and Surgery Are Used Less Frequently

In the past, tattoos were removed through dermabrasion (which removes layers of skin) or an invasive surgical procedure. Laser tattoo removal and tattoo alteration options are used more often today since both of these treatment options involve less damage to skin and existing tissues. Only in rare circumstances will these more invasive therapies be considered by most plastic surgeons and skin care specialists.

Learn More About Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

If you would like to learn more about all of your tattoo removal options and how we can help you make the best decision possible regarding these matters, we encourage you to contact our skin care centers in Orange County and Yorba Linda today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and help you achieve your aesthetic goals.