Advanced ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery

Hair Loss Treatments

Jan 6, 2013 @ 09:42 AM — by Dr. William Cohen
Tagged with: Hair Loss Balding Hair Transplant Surgery Hair Restoration

Hair loss can be a major issue for both men and women. Thinning hair and bald spots can leave you feeling self-conscious about the way you look. Some may appear prematurely old, while others may simply not look good with thinning hair. There are different options available that can restore a full head of hair or conceal your balding. The team at our Orange County plastic surgery center would like to take a moment right now to look at some of the most common hair loss treatments available so you have good understanding of your options.

Causes of Hair Loss

It may be helpful to first identify the most common causes of hair loss that people face. In general, most men experience hair loss as a result of genetics and part of the aging process. Hair loss can also be caused by injuries to the scalp, hairstyles that pull hair too tight, different medical conditions (e.g., alopecia, thyroid problems, cancer), and as a result of medical treatment such as chemotherapy.

When you come to our facial plastic surgery center in Orange County, we can help direct you toward hair restoration specialists who can help you achieve a full head of hair again. Let's now look at some treatment options.

Toupees and Wigs

Toupees and wigs can be an ideal option for some people experiencing hair loss. It's important to look at the craftsmanship and design of the toupee or wig, as better-made hairpieces tend to look and feel more like natural hair.

Rogaine and Propecia

Rogaine and Propecia are both medications that are used to improve the density and growth of hair. Rogaine is applied directly to the scalp whereas Propecia is taken in pill form. Patients may respond better to one medication than the other.

Hair Restoration and Transplant Surgery

Hair restoration surgery is a way of promoting growth of new hair in bald spots. This is achieved by placing hair grafts in these balding areas. After a few weeks of healing, these grafts will grow natural hair that will blend seamlessly with a patient's remaining hair.

Weighing Your Options for Hair Loss Surgery

As you can see, there are multiple options out there for restoring your hairline. Since patients have different needs and different concerns, some treatments may more effective for some patients than others. When you meet with a hair restoration specialist, you will be able to get detailed information about all of your treatment options, allowing you to make a well-informed decision.

Other Surgeries and Treatments to Consider

There are many other surgeries out there that can help make a major difference to your appearance, including Orange County rhinoplasty and other facial plastic surgeries. We would be more than happy to talk about all of these matters in greater detail during your visit.

Learn More About Anti-Aging Rejuvenation Surgery

For more information about your many options for advanced facial plastic surgery, be sure to contact our Orange County cosmetic plastic surgery center today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve all of your aesthetic goals.